Recipe Reel

Recipe Reel

Summarize your favorite Instagram recipes


Quickly summarizes your favorite Instagram recipe reels using AI. Captures the details included in the post, giving you the power to edit the recipe. Generate shopping lists. Export anywhere. Create unlimited groups for your recipes (eg dinners, salads, etc.).My wife and I constantly send Instagram recipes to each other, usually followed with a 'yum, that looks so good!' and a bookmark into our IG collection with the plans of making it sometime in the future. Which, for most of us, means it will never re-surface again.

So, I created an easy way to grab the info from the post or reel and export it into a central hub, I called it Recipe Reel.

Video at

Offering limited time lifetime subscriptions for 100 people only!@a_zelenkov Thanks so much! Excited to serve this solution for people!I'm guessing this captures the ingredients from the IG description and text(if any) in the reel? Love the idea though, this makes life so much easier. Congratulations on the launch!@yashaswini_ippili Thanks so much! Yes, text and transcription.Very cool concept to summarize the recipe videos! Does it allow you to view the portion of the video that a portion of the summary mentions, for example to view a technique you're not familiar with?@jack_michalak Thanks Jack! I thought it would be a good idea to link back to the reel in case someone did want to re-watch it. So if you click the thumbnail image, it will open the the reel associated with the recipe. But, you do have the power to edit it anyway you like also, so you could in theory include a link to another website or such that maybe has a detailed process for preparing a specialty dish or something.This is a brilliant idea! Congratulations on the launch! I wanted to know how exactly does it capture the ingredients .@ashrita_kumar Thanks so much! It captures through the a combination of transcription and caption details!

