

A time tracker that visualizes your app activity

Trace is a time-tracking app that helps you understand how you spend your time. It monitors your device activity and presents a color-coded & easy-to-digest timeline of your app usage.Hello Product Hunt 👋!

I'm excited to launch Trace today, a macOS time-tracker that shows you insights about your app usage.

After using many time-tracking apps, I was frustrated that I couldn't see how my time was spent, so I built Trace to solve this.

Here are a few things that make Trace so useful:

-> It has built-in activity monitoring that tracks all your open apps

-> You can visualize your app activity in a color-coded & easy-to-digest timeline

  • You can see a daily/monthly overview of your sessions

-> It is free & secure: everything is stored locally and doesn't leave your computer!

Try it out and let me know if you have any questions/feedback!The monthly overview is a really nice feature!

I feel like the calendar-approach to keeping track of all apps makes a big difference

Can it be integrated with calendar apps like iCal?I really love the minimal design of this, congrats on the launch! I'm gonna try this over the next few days to see if there are any surprising patterns 🤔Awesome launch, @tk4! 🎉 Love how Trace focuses on visualizing app usage with that timeline feature—it's a game changer for productivity! The local storage for privacy really resonates too; so rare in the time-tracking space. Can't wait to see how this can improve my daily workflow. Upvoted!

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