

Your personable AI assistant


Hue is your AI assistant that integrates deeply with your digital life, providing timely insights, reminders and support with everyday chores. Intuitive, personable, a step ahead with a strong GIF game.Hello, PH!

Hue is a side project inspired by one of my favourite apps, Poncho, an early betaworks spin-out, and one of the first AI assistants.

I've been playing with Gen AI and RAG for 18 months, and it's now entirely feasible from a technology point of view to build AI assistants for the consumer market that are customisable and deliver consistent outcomes.

But what Poncho did that was groundbreaking in its time, and that is still missing from many current applications and tools, was to provide a personable service. What I mean by that, is that Poncho was proactive in surfacing highly relevant information to the user, which it did with a defined personality.

That's the idea behind Hue (Poncho was sold and wound down in 2018).

There's an interesting space in the upcoming consumer AI market that I don't think Apple or Alexa will fill - a personable AI assistant. Whatever Apple Intelligence delivers in terms of Siri next month, it's guaranteed to be vanilla, inoffensive and lacking interoperability - and that will create white space for experimentation.

(The first version of Hue had a personality based on the Jerky Boys, which was... overwhelming).

Let me know what you think!@paul_a_smith I need my personal assistant for sure. I'll try Hue. Great idea. I'd like my Hue to read my social media and understand what I'm thinking about, what are my challenges and find solutions that I probably can't see being emotional, not logical at the moment. I like the example with running. I don't use calendar for that, so Hue should be able to see the info in other apps I'm using to track my activity. Good luck with Hue and thank you for your work on that.Hey @paul_a_smith, this sounds interesting.

To get a better understanding of how Hue can help on a day to day basis, can you give us a few tasks that the AI can help with? I saw the idea with the ESTA application. It feels like a hyper proactive reminder. Like that 😅

Also, how is Hue going to know all the stuff that's going on. What permissions and access to other apps does it need?@crebuh Hi Chris! We're working across a mix of public APIs and permissions to user accounts - so in the early examples in the demo, you're seeing Hue infer insight from considering calendar activity, weather and search. There's a lot more we can do, but there's also a lot to figure out.Super interested in this and the concept of proactive AI in such a personal context, instead of the current flow of having to ask for help and often provide a load of contextual information. I'd love to get 'life reminders' in this too like birthdays coming up, things I need to buy, insurance running out, subscriptions I could cancel that I'm not really using, etc.@djmckee Hi Dylan! Some great ideas there - there's a lot possible when you go deep into the concept; there are plenty of sources of relevant data that become super-useful once additional context is applied.

And totally agree re. proactivity - I think it's the magic that many LLM-based services are currently missing!Congrats on the launch, Paul! Hue sounds like a really cool approach to bringing personality back into AI assistants,. Excited to see how it evolves!@michaelturner Thanks Michael!

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