Myko Assistant

Myko Assistant

Research assistant for web scraping and finding contacts

Myko Assistant can help you research anything from the internet.

Use Myko to find LinkedIn profiles and emails for anyone - research accounts to prep for meetings - scrape anything from the public web. Save hours per week on your research with a simple email👋🏻 Hello Product Hunt!

My name is Trevor and I am the Cofounder and CEO of Myko.

We've built an AI assistant that can help you find anything on the internet.

As we started looking for summer interns, we had the idea to recruit directly from the Computing Olympiad competitors, as we've had a lot of success hiring from there previously.

The challenge was doing so efficiently without copying and pasting individual names from different pages from the different years.

Our Cofounder Zheng Li had the idea to build a tool to do this automatically and that's where our Myko AI Assistant was born 🚀

Our assistant can do multistep research such as web scraping or data enrichment.

It can handle both public internet searches as well as data from your Salesforce - like "what's our relationship with x account".

We've been using it to do things like

🔍 Find leads like contact information of speakers at a conference

🧠 Prepare for sales calls with in depth research triggered based on calendar invites

📊 Enrich our Salesforce

Any type of search that would typically require multiple steps our AI Agent can handle.

We'd love for you to try it out!

Simply send your question to

No sign-up required.

You can find our website for more information here -

Appreciate all of your support!Really interesting being able to keep everything in your email! Looks great 🚀

So, everything is connected to your own personal email?

If so, does it collect data for a personal database of information for future similar questions?

Congrats on the launch!@casper_brix It can be personal or your business email. It doesn't have built in memory (yet) outside of the thread of the conversation. But will be building that next!This is one of those problems that feels like why Paul Graham wrote Schlep Blindness. It's such a pain in the tail, and glad someone is finally solving this. Cant wait to try it!I love how easy it is just to email and especially with 100% accurate results, this seems promising. will try Myko out. Congrats on the launch Trevor!@danielwchen Appreciate you trying it out Daniel! That was our main goal to make it as easy as possible by just sending an email!

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