

Write magical paperwork in seconds with AI

Improve your writing effortlessly with EduWiz.AI - the free AI Writer Assistant maker tool that helps you generate magical essays, paragraphs & paperwork in seconds.Hey, Product Hunt! 👋

I'm Fredy, one of the makers of EduWiz.AI. Through our years as students, we realized that everyone, from students and teachers to writing professionals, often struggles with the writing process. Whether it's drafting essays, generating paragraphs, or handling paperwork, the challenge is real. Why not have the documents you need in just a few seconds?

In the last months, we've noticed a pattern of alternating between writing manually and using various online tools for assistance. We initially developed a tool that helped with some of these tasks, but soon realized we were addressing the right problem, just not in the most effective way. So, we went back to the drawing board to rethink our approach. 💪🏻

This led us to an interesting observation: integrating a powerful AI writing assistant directly into your workflow could be a game-changer. We thought through the problem strategically and designed EduWiz.AI to seamlessly integrate into your writing process, providing the most optimal solution.

With that being said,

Introducing EduWiz.AI – the free AI Writer Assistant that will help you generate magical essays, paragraphs, and paperwork in seconds. Write, cite, and edit any document with the assistance of AI, and have your paperwork done in a matter of time. But that's not all! You can leverage this tool for various purposes, including:

  • Essay writing
  • Content creation
  • Academic research assistance
  • Professional paperwork and more!

We've poured our hearts into creating this product, and we hope you'll love using it as much as we enjoyed developing it. We'll be actively monitoring the launch, ready to answer your questions and analyze your feedback. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and reviews.

🎉 To celebrate the launch, we are offering a 50% discount for the first month! Use promo code PRODUCTHUNT at the checkout of any PRO subscription!

Below are some useful links if you want to contribute and give feedback ⬇️

📌 EduWiz website: 📌 Support Email address:

Let us know what you think. Your feedback is very valuable, as it helps us continuously improve the product. ❤️@divy_divya_c Thanks a lot, Divya!@alex_circei Thank you for your kind words, Alex!

I am thrilled to hear that you appreciate the effort we put into developing EduWiz.AI.
We value the feedback from the community, so your message means a lot to us!

Thank you for your well wishes, and we are grateful for your support as we embark on this journey. 🙏🏼Congrats on the launch guys! Each release that you have is better and better and this product is the top of all your past releases. Functionality is great, design is great, feature set is great, overall a complete and complex solution not only for students/teachers but also for marketing people and entrepreneurs.

Since we have 300+ Tools for Developers, would love to use it in creating Technical documentations. Like writing a documentation about X framework/product/dashboard with code examples. Any plans of building this feature?

🫡🫡 Keep it up!@axelut Thanks a lot for your kind words and for your support, Alex! It means a lot for us to hear this from you! 🙏🏼

About the content for technical documentations, we appreciate your suggestion, it's definitely a valuable idea, and we will take it into consideration for our upcoming features! 😊I think what makes the EduWiz special is the streamlined interface for writing powered by AI. I think writing is a process where every bit of distraction can break the flow. And honestly, having a well designed interface is key - this is prob what makes EduWiz stand out. I love how the whole brand is designed that way, to make you feel you are ready to write.

Congrats @fredyandrei and team on the launch!This is a very interesting launch. What makes your app better than using generic chatbots? Also, as a teacher, I wonder how do you think we can make sure students continue to learn essential skills for persuasive writing and research?

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