

Set a deadline, launch your product, pay charity if you fail


Put your money where your mouth is and launch your product 💳

1️⃣ Set a launch deadline 2️⃣ Set a price if you fail 3️⃣ Pay the price if you haven't launched by midnight!

🎗️ 100% of profit goes to charityHi Product Hunt,

I built LaunchOrPay because I wanted to ship more - but never did.

This time, I'm launching less than 14 days after having the idea.

The most successful founders I've come across follow a similar pattern:

→ build a lean MVP that does 1 thing elegantly → launch fast → validate → improve/expand it based on user feedback

I was doing the opposite. 1 month would become 2, which would become 3.. and I'd only be getting further from having something "ready to launch".

The bigger my MVP got, the more time dragged on, the heavier I'd feel and the more frustrated as I watched others ship while I barely tread water.

I committed to launching this site before the 20th - and I know I never would have launched this soon if I hadn't made the small financial commitment to do so.

Why? There was no urgency - nobody telling me I needed to - no consequence if I didn't.

So much so that it felt unnatural to prepare the launch so soon.

But I'm really glad I'm actually following through on what I set out for his project to help me do!

100% of any money made through this site will go to charity - I don't want to profit off other people's failures. I'd rather make it a win-win.

The charity I chose means a lot to me - there's a letter about why on the landing page.

Thanks so much for checking this out - I really appreciate your time and support.

MaxHey @max_eccles that is a great idea. I think everyone knows the problem. You add feature after feature, push things to the public is something more valuable to gather feedback. Now there are no excuses anymore 👏🏻

Congrats on the launch 🚀Thanks so much @crebuh - that's exactly it -

I used the site to get this launched and I'm currently racing to meet the deadline for my next product!

Really fun to build something that scratches my own itch :)

Appreciate the support today! Thank youI was planning to launch or PH.

But we all know how much we love adding new features to postpone shipping our products.

I commited to the following the minute I saw Max's tweet:

"will launch before 25th October or pay $25"

"Stupid" $25 made me focus again. I'm not kidding.

@max_eccles, you're killing it mate, let's commit to all our future launches with LaunchOrPay!Thanks so much @daniel_studzinski!!Love the idea dude! Just a random thought: other than monetary punishment, maybe you can do something like a public shaming to the founder with @launchorpay's twitter account etc... paying via social currency haha@launchorpay @desmondhth Haha yeah I deffo thought something like this would be cool!

If it gets used more I'll build it in for sure!

