

Turn pdfs into social media-like posts

A pretty stupid project that turns PDF into readable chunks in social media post UI. If you are a reader with shorter attention span like me, it will be useful. It would means a lot to me if you upvote my first project launch. πŸ•ΉοΈAny suggestions on launch post content or the project idea? Please comment if any.@ylohnitram May you comment again with what you mean? I am dumb. πŸ˜†@ylohnitram I got your point now LOL. Thanks. Updated.Congrats on your first launch. Good to see that you got into the featured list. Its also my launch today :)

Convert books into social media posts. Is it a github page or do you have it deployed?@nifal_adam2 It is in a very early stage of development. πŸ˜‡ Will continue to develop as a web app. I also checked out your StartupBolt launch and upvoted, Nifal.Hi, great idea. I really see the value here for content makers. One of my favorite contents is "did you know" or "fun fact" so having a system that can generate something like that based on given content could be fun.@userinsite Oh "Fun fact" will surely add more value. Thanks Negou! I will keep updating.Congrats on launching Book2SocialFeed! But why you comment yourself? πŸ˜‚@star_boat Haha. I notice that too. πŸ˜… But actually I was replying to a reply to my first comment.

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