Git Begin

Git Begin

Start contributing to open source projects with ease


Git Begin: A web app to find & track your first open-source contributions. Filter GitHub's "good first issues" by language, stars and categories like Web Dev, ML, DevOps. Bookmark interesting issues. Dark mode included. Start your open-source journey todayI've just launched Git Begin, a web app that helps developers find their first open-source issues to work on. What Git Begin does:

Finds "good first issues" on GitHub Filters by programming language, project stars, and other criteria Covers various fields: Web Dev, Mobile Dev, Data Science, ML, DevOps, Cybersecurity, and Documentation Lets you bookmark issues for later Works in light or dark mode

I built Git Begin with Remix.js, React, and Tailwind CSS. It's designed to work well on both desktop and mobile.

I made this because finding the right issues to start contributing to open source can be challenging. If you're looking to contribute to open source, or if you maintain a project and want to attract new contributors, Git Begin might be useful for you. Feel free to try it out and let me know what you think. All feedback is welcome.Good idea, as a young developper I don't dare to contribute to unknown project, and I think I'm not the only one ! congrats for the launch!@franckwebpro Thank you so much for your appreciation 😊This is useful, as someone who uses GitHub daily I always wanted to contribute but never really found a project that made sense, I will explore on here for sure.@userinsite Thank you so much 🙏This sounds like a super handy tool for anyone looking to get into open-source! Just gave it a quick try and it looks promising. Congrats to u ,Sahi!@patriciaharris I'm glad you liked it 😊

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