Unlocking Productivity: How a 46-Year-Old CEO Runs Two Successful Startups without Multitasking
Cnbc2 weeks ago

Unlocking Productivity: How a 46-Year-Old CEO Runs Two Successful Startups without Multitasking



  • Jyoti Bansal runs two successful startups: Harness and Traceable.

  • His productivity cheat code is to not multitask.

  • He uses time blocking to focus on one task at a time, improving efficiency.

  • Bansal prioritizes tasks based on their impact rather than time management.

  • Surrounding himself with the right team is key to scaling his businesses.

The Balancing Act of a Startup CEO

Jyoti Bansal, 46, is the founder and CEO of two thriving software startups: Harness and Traceable, which are valued at over $4 billion combined. Managing two successful companies is no small feat, especially considering the high risk of burnout that many startup founders face due to their stressful jobs and the uncertainties of entrepreneurship.

A Simple Cheat Code

Bansal's secret to maintaining productivity while running two fast-growing startups is surprisingly straightforward: Don't multitask. He explains that multitasking often leads to distractions and poorer decision-making. Instead, Bansal emphasizes the effectiveness of focusing on one task at a time.

The Power of Time Blocking

To optimize his productivity, Bansal employs a technique known as time blocking. This involves dedicating specific intervals to work on singular tasks or projects, allowing him to be more efficient and present in each moment. For example, he might spend 30 minutes working on technical issues with engineers, followed by another 30 minutes discussing strategies with investors. This method not only boosts productivity but also helps combat burnout by incorporating breaks into his schedule.

Maximizing Impact

Bansal prioritizes his tasks based on their potential impact rather than simply managing his time. He uses a simple framework: If I don't spend my time on something, is it going to move the needle? If the answer is no, he delegates that responsibility to trusted team members, allowing him to focus on what he does best.

The Importance of Team Dynamics

Having the right people around him is crucial for Bansal. He believes that the key to scaling a business lies in surrounding oneself with skilled individuals who understand his vision and can operate effectively without constant oversight.

Productivity Tips

