Empowering the Next Generation: How One Female VC is Inspiring Kids with Startups and Tech
Techcrunch3 weeks ago

Empowering the Next Generation: How One Female VC is Inspiring Kids with Startups and Tech



  • Deena Shakir, a VC at Lux Capital, wrote a picture book to explain startups to kids.

  • The book, “Leena Mo, CEO,” follows a girl who becomes an entrepreneur by building robots.

  • Shakir faced numerous rejections before landing a deal with Simon & Schuster.

  • She aims to expand the story universe and promote representation in business.

  • Shakir hopes children see diverse characters excelling in entrepreneurship.

Meet Deena Shakir: A VC with a Mission

Deena Shakir, an investor at Lux Capital, faced a challenge in explaining her job to her three young kids. To bridge the gap, she initially bought a Chia Pet to demonstrate how things can grow, using humor with a unicorn figurine to make it engaging.

From Idea to Book

Amidst the 2020 quarantine, Shakir found the inspiration to create something that could teach children about the startup world. This led her to write a picture book, titled “Leena Mo, CEO,” which was released on Tuesday. The story follows Leena Mo, who builds a robot to plow snow, attracting neighborhood interest and investment, ultimately leading her to become a CEO.

The Journey to Publication

Shakir's journey to publishing was not smooth; she emailed hundreds of agents, facing numerous rejections before landing a deal with Simon & Schuster in spring 2022.

Expanding the Universe

With the successful launch of Leena Mo, Shakir is now considering expanding her narrative universe, potentially exploring stories from the perspective of an investor.

Representation Matters

Shakir emphasizes the importance of representation, hoping young readers see Leena Mo—an American Iraqi and Muslim girl—excel in the business world. “It’s totally normal for someone to be a girl building a robot and an entrepreneur, who is also Iraqi and also Muslim,” she stated. “We exist in multitudes.”

