

AI friends designed especially for children


Meet your kid’s new AI friend, ready to share fun stories, answer all their “whys,” and always ready to listen. With cool cartoon characters, live voice talks, kids can really enjoy the fun of chatting. Plus, it helps you understand your child even more!Hello Product Hunter Community!😊 I’m super excited to introduce you to ToonTalk, a project close to our hearts that’s all about making your kid’s childhood even more awesome. 🚀 A bunch of us on the team are parents or about to become parents, and we know how curious kids are about everything and how they love to chat. But life gets busy, and it’s not always easy to be there for all their questions. So, we came up with ToonTalk, an AI buddy that’s not only fun but also teaches them cool things. ToonTalk is way more than just an app—it’s a conversation starter, a storyteller, and it’s there to answer all those “whys” that kids have. ✨ It’s like a friend to your child and a bridge that connects you to their world. We’ve made sure ToonTalk is super safe for your little ones, with parental controls and anonymous data. You can keep an eye on their chats and really get to know what they’re feeling and what they’re good at. It’s like being there for every smile and frown, and you can relax knowing it’s all secure.🛡️✨ We’re always open to feedback to enhance ToonTalk. Please give it a try with your kids and let us know what you think. If you enjoy our app, we’d be thankful for your support and any shares. 🙏?makers can you share your evals so we can get a sense for the content guardrails you've built into the conversation space?Congrats on the launch! An interesting concept, there is definitely a need to support kids in this way, but (as a parent of kids now 11 & 9), I also feel apprehensive about this product.

I battle with my kids many times per day about their screen time. I've spent the first ten years of their lives avoiding screens altogether (my son used to have complete - head-banging on furniture - tantrums when our old iPad was revoked after only 15 minutes).

There's a lot of research about electronic screen syndrome (ESS) ie the impact of too much screen time on children and the mental health issues we're now seeing in many of Gen Z since we've had screens and mobiles.

My advice to parents of younger children would be to hold back screens as long as you can, rather than outsourcing support for your kids with more screen time.

Is this something you've addressed in the way the product is developed?

Are you also concerned about these things?

How does the product reassure parents in terms of safety?

If parents aren't monitoring their kids' questions, what safety measures are in place for those curious cats who ask about inappropriate things?

The first few years of children's lives are crucial for them to develop strong verbal communication and language skills, and they learn best through human interaction with their parents/guardians through those endless curious questions! (Yes, I know they are endless!)@emily_willis1 Hi Emily!

Thanks for your honest feedback.

In the early stages of ToonTalk’s development, we talked about how to keep kids from spending too much time on screens. So, we lminimized the screen presentation of ToonTalk, and encouraged more voice-based interaction. We think this helps avoid screen addiction compared to gaming or video apps.

ToonTalk isn’t meant to replace regular parent-child communication. It’s a buddy for kids and a helper for parents, aiding in understanding kids’ likes and emotions.

Meanwhile, we have strict content rules. If kids bring up inappropriate stuff, their AI friends will steer the conversation elsewhere or explain why it’s not good, keeping them away from such topics. Parents can check chat logs anytime for their child’s safety.

Looking forward to you and your kids trying out ToonTalk, and we’re always open to your thoughts.Glad were finally looking at automating the parent out of parenting. Also the options in your image of the "100% Safe" screen list military, political, and sex. What? We should be encouraging our kids to unplug not send them deeper down the rabbit hole. Products like this make me so sad

