

Your AI powered lawyer


The world's first AI-powered law firm.Stop paying >$1,000 per hour for common legal questions. From NDAs to SAFEs, Tome instantly demystifies contracts, recommends strategies, and gives you one-click access to expert attorneys.Hi Product Hunt! 👋

We’re so excited to launch the world’s first AI-powered law firm.

In a nutshell, we’ve replaced junior attorneys with LLMs — so that you get fast, reliable answers to common legal questions.

When it comes down to it, “commercial law” — the part of law that’s mostly drafting and reviewing contracts — is a field of copying & pasting legal code. Lawyers are always copying best practices, referring to their secret menu of options, and charging > $1000/hour for phone calls. Even worse, it’s hard work! Junior attorneys really have to finish hours of painstaking analysis in antiquated tools, just so a senior partner can say “yes, this looks normal.”

Tome changes all of that: we built LLMs to do 95% of the basic work, so that you can get reliable legal information for common situations. And if AI isn’t enough, we give you direct access to senior attorneys who can help with unique questions.

For founders, that means:

Instant AI analysis & recommendations for common startup questions One-click access to expert attorney advice Save 80% of the time and cost on common contracts (NDAs, SAFEs, and more) Integrate seamlessly with your legal team — and integrate with us via Slack 🙂

Try us today - upload a document for free to try out our AI analysis. Upgrade to add attorney support, with flat-fee pricing.

We started as a LLM-based contract analysis company, serving multi-billion dollar investors and startups alike. I’m super excited to hear what you think as we expand to help the whole ProductHunt community.

As a thank you to the community, we’re offering one month of free Pro attorney support. Just mention ProductHunt!

  • We serve only U.S. startups, businesses, and investors right now. We won’t help you sue someone or represent you in court.@nadssdssd Congratulations on the release of Tome! Great idea аnd we can get reliable legal information for typical situations!🦾@antonikozelski thank you!!@rahul_khinchi Thank you so uch!

So we handle variations in language and nuances by having really large datasets. For instance, suppose you have a "termination" clause in a contract. Thanks to our dataset, we have almost every possibly permutation of that clause in our database. When a new contract is uploaded, there's some pattern-matching going on. And if the new contract contains a unique instance, that instance is then stored in our database for future pattern-matching. Over time, the number of unique instances starts to reduce significantly. But because of the infinite nature of natural language, the rate of reduction will be asymptotic.Nice. This is going to save someone a bunch of money! Question, how does it handle US state-specific laws?@davor_kolenc Tome helps you understand and negotiate your contracts. While state specific laws apply, in 99% of cases users are just looking to negotiate the particulars of the contract. In other words, asking “does termination in 30 days notice seem standard?” Is a lot more common than “does this contract violate Texas law?”Wow, this can be a game changer!

Good luck with the product and launch. This can help a lot of bootstrapped founders and builder community.@mituhin thank you!This is cool! Could see it saving a lot of money on certain tasks. How do you think about buy-in from a startup's legal team? And do you consume legal contracts already developed with lawyers? For example, I could see it being useful to have a standard contract agreement drafted by my law firm once, then using Tome to generate every additional agreement.@emmalawler24 Emma I love this question. I operate on the firm belief that legal teams don't scale. An company constantly needs to expand in legal headcount to address legal needs as that organization grows and scales. So we see Tome as an opportunity for existing legal teams to 10x themselves. Basically, they can take more on without having to hire more.

And yes, we definitely consume contracts already developed by lawyers! Your proposed use-case is a perfect one for our product and we're excited for you to try it!

