

Quote work in minutes, capture change requests instantly


Scopey tackles scope creep, saving businesses up to 15% of annual revenue. Create custom scopes in minutes, collaborate transparently with clients, and get fast approvals. Our AI-copilot captures hidden change requests and turns them into upsell opportunities.Hi, I'm Gillian – Scopey cofounder and someone who knows what clients want because I've spent my career as the client.

So, if Scopey helps businesses earn 15% more revenue, why will clients love it too?

Because clients usually aren't experts in the work we've commissioned. We don't always know the right questions to ask. If project inclusions are vague, it's easy for both parties to make assumptions about what is or isn't included. And businesses failing to deliver what the client expects is hugely frustrating.

Or, sometimes things come up throughout a project and I'd like to know the cost of those extra requests. But businesses are so busy that getting a price is like blood from a stone, and clients can't make budget decisions if we're not informed... The absolute worst case is when a business goes ahead without approval, does the work, and bills it. Nothing will kill a relationship faster than hitting someone with a bill they did not expect.

As you can see, clients are also desperate for better management of scopes.

My cofounder, who will share her story on this page, brings to Scopey years of agency experience. We've come together from both sides of the client-business relationship to build a truly unique platform that benefits both parties.

We knew there had to be a better way to manage project scopes and client changes, so we put our heads together and created Scopey - a user-friendly tool that streamlines the scope management process and helps businesses grow and thrive.

We'd love for you to try it.

  • GillianHi @subham_sahu2 , great point about the scope changes leading to misunderstandings. This is such a common problem and one of the major factors that contribute to businesses losing so much money to scope creep. We aim to solve this by helping companies create much clearer scopes of work from the outset - so what is/isn’t included is clear. Plus, businesses can quote related ‘optional extras’, work that you know the project will benefit from but that may not have been discussed upfront. This makes it very clear the extras aren’t included, and also informs clients of the price upfront so they can factor it in if they want it.Hi @kjosephabraham my motivation was seeing how stressed my co-founder of my design agency was with managing scopes or work and changes. That's why I came up with the idea, because I felt I had to do something to help.Hi @max_savonin1

Thanks so much for you interest and insights. To answer your questions.

  1. Can Scopey be adapted to fit the specific needs of different project types and industries? Yes, we have clients who sell insurance and an ESG consultant onboard.
  2. Integration: Does Scopey integrate with popular project management tools or accounting software? At the moment Scopey integrates with Xero. We are working on a Asana integration and have many more planned.
  3. What is the pricing structure for Scopey, and how does it scale for businesses of different sizes? You can check out the pricing page on our website, we have Freemium to get started.
  4. Consider adding features to facilitate change requests and manage their impact on project timelines and budgets. - Yes, we are also aware we don't want to become Project Managment and overly complicated but we will think about this with the integrations we build.
  5. Utilizing AI to suggest potential project inclusions or identify potential scope creep could be valuable. - Scopey does this, and we are working on how it can be even more intelligent.

Happy to chat more, get in touch if you like.Thanks @subham_sahu2 Scopey removes assumptions, by showing what's not included as optional services. This is not only for up selling, but for clarity.Thanks so much @yura_turivny we appreciate your support.Hey guys!

Who is the key target for the service?

I got the feeling that it could be more useful for people who got a lot of small requests from customers like outsource designers.Hi @kostyabolsh We originally designed Scopey for small design agencies and freelancers due to the frequent change requests they receive. However, we’ve also seen a lot of interest from web development and tech agencies. We even have clients who sell insurance and ESG consultants. Apart from handling small requests, users appreciate the service library, which helps them productize their service offerings and easily upsell additional services. For example, if you create a website, you can showcase your Google Ads and SEO services to the client once the website is built.@kostyabolsh We've also had interest from growing SaaS companies who also do custom work for clients.Hello Product Hunt Friends!

Jenna here, Founder of Scopey. After running a digital agency for a decade, I know the emotional toll managing a project can take. You're overworked, underpaid, and clients often don't see the value of the extra work. It's always, "It looks great, but can we add just one more thing?" or "I had an idea..." Suddenly, your profit margin is gone, and your stress level is through the roof.

Think of traditional project management tools as the busy kitchen your team uses to get the work done—you don’t want clients anywhere near there! Scopey acts as the menu your clients order and tweak from, and the waiter who delivers those orders to the chaotic kitchen.

Scopey is a whole new approach because we address scope creep where it happens: in conversation. We help you quickly create detailed scopes of work/quotes in just minutes and ensure clear, aligned expectations. With Scopey, you can seamlessly collaborate with clients through transparent communication and rapid approvals. Stop leaking revenue by capturing change requests in real-time and managing or turning them into upsells with our AI co-pilot. Make inclusions clear by showing what is and isn’t included (and for what cost).

Why Scopey? Spend less time on paperwork and more on creative work. Long-lasting Client Relations. Easy Upselling: Showcase your services and show the client what else is possible.

Reclaim your time and increase revenue. Join us on this journey!

Check us out and make Scopey part of your Project Ops.Thanks @christen_schneider! We don't want our clients to see us getting all Gordon Ramsay back there!Hey @jenna_farrell Congratulations on the launch. Scopey could effectively contribute in improving my client engagement. Will be trying it out. Kudos to the team!Thanks @richa_chordia, yes give it a go, happy to jump on a call and run through it with you.

