

Reply to App/Game reviews using AI


ReplyToAppReviews is a simple review management tool for working with app store reviews. It enables you to engage and delight your users with personalized AI-powered responses. Increase your app’s ratings and customer satisfaction effortlessly.A while back, I noticed that the number of reviews and their responses were directly influencing my game's ranking on the Google Play Store. I decided to invest time in responding to each review thoughtfully, addressing concerns, and thanking users for their feedback. Here’s what happened:

  • 🌟 Improved Ratings: Many users updated their reviews with higher ratings after seeing that I took their feedback seriously and responded promptly.

  • 🤝 Better User Engagement: Users appreciated the personal touch and felt more connected to the game, leading to increased loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

  • 📈 Higher Visibility: The increased engagement and positive reviews helped improve my game’s ASO, making it more visible to potential users.

Despite the benefits, I found it challenging to keep up with the reviews manually, especially as my user base grew. I needed a cost-effective solution but couldn't find one that fit my budget. So, I took matters into my own hands and built a review management app that uses AI.

  • ✨ AI-Powered Responses: The app generates thoughtful and relevant responses in any language, helping you manage reviews efficiently.

  • 💸 Cost-Effective: Built with indie developers in mind, it’s budget-friendly without compromising on quality.

I'm excited to share this tool with you all and would love your feedback. If you're a google play app/game developer looking for a better way to manage your app reviews, give it a try and let me know what you think! Your feedback would be invaluable in shaping it's future as I continue to refine the tool to better serve our community. 🚀This is a really cool tool @dpakmenon. Congrats on the launch! One quick question. Review and ratings are one such thing that are really really essential in the journey of making a good product. and founders often would/should take their own time in reading and replying to a review. Automating this task, while for the short term, looks good, as for it to improve customer satisfaction and overall rating of the product, but in the long run, if the founders (or the product team) does read reviews, and rely on an AI Agent to do this task, how are they gonna make the product better and what the customers want?

I am also curious to know if there is something like a "Reviews Summary" that gives a brief summary of all the reviews and also flags any potentials breaks or bugs being reported. Happy to discuss this further with you! Let's connect on LinkedIn@yuvraj_dagur Thanks for the thoughtful question and kind words! You’re absolutely right—reading and responding to reviews personally is key to truly understanding what your users want. The AI in ReplyToAppReviews is not a agent to auto respond to reviews but designed to assist with the heavy lifting, especially when dealing with a high volume of reviews, but it doesn’t replace the importance of direct involvement from founders or the product team. It can be tuned to the max with custom intructions how to handle the reviews response, which is highly suggested when dealing with sensitive/negative reviews or featured reviews .The idea is to save time on repetitive tasks so you can focus more on the insights and improvements that really matter.

As for your suggestion about a "Reviews Summary," that's actually a feature I’m exploring at the moment. The goal is to provide a concise summary of reviews withina chosen time period, highlighting any feature requests, potential issues, bugs, or trends that might need attention. I’d love to discuss this further and see how we can make it even more useful. Let’s definitely connect on LinkedIn!I like the product so much! It saves a lot of time to think of a well-format reply. Just a little question, can the replies be generated in the source language of the review? For example, if a user is writing in French and reply can also be in French.@susan_pan1 Thanks, Susan! I'm glad you’re finding the product helpful. Yes, the replies can also be generated in the same language as the review. So if a user writes in French, there will be extra button visible which says 'Generate Reply in French', which can generate the response in French. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!Hey Deepak, this is great and really useful for people who publishes Apps. Wanted to know if this is legal under app store policies or Apple will remove my app from the store?@vedhsaka Thanks, Akash! I totally understand your concern. Replying to reviews using AI is generally within app store guidelines as long as the responses are accurate and appropriate. However, it’s important to ensure that the responses you approve maintain the quality and integrity expected by the app stores. So far, using tools like ReplyToAppReviews hasn’t led to any issues with app store compliance. If you have any specific concerns, it's always a good idea to review the app store's policies directly. Let me know if you have more questions!

