

Turn text content into Podcasts + monetize & distribute

Podcraftr instantly turns your text content into studio-quality podcasts. Distribute everywhere & monetize through dynamic ad placements - automatically. Repurpose blog posts, email newsletters, training materials, or start from scratch.Hi Hunters! Michael here, CEO of Podcraftr.

For years, we've all been creating text content - blog posts, emails, news articles, reports - but often struggle to produce more engaging, modern content like videos or podcasts.

Podcraftr solves this by taking your exisiting text content and producing it into an expertly crafted podcast.

That means your...

  • Blogs
  • News articles
  • Email newsletters
  • Training materials
  • Sales reports
  • Periodicals

...can now be listened to in podcast form, complete with YOUR OWN cloned voice (or one from our library), professional production with music and transitions, and distribution to every major podcast network.

With Podcraftr you can:

  • 🎧 Reach new audiences that LISTEN to instead of read your content
  • 💰 Build a new revenue stream via dynamically placed podcast ads
  • 🎙️ Create a podcast without any expensive recording gear
  • 🗣️ Clone your voice to enhance the personalization and engagement with your existing audience
  • 🚀 Create & Launch a podcast to all major platforms (Apple, Spotify, Amazon) in under 5 minutes

We've seen some AMAZING uses of Podcraftr from within our customer base, from converting a weekly email newsletter into a weekly podcast, to taking news headlines to create a morning news rundown, or building a brand new podcast from scratch by simply typing.

We even helped launch a daily Product Hunt podcast 😎 https://www.producthunt.com/post...

There are so many uses for Podcraftr, and we're excited to see what all of you come up with.

Try Podcraftr now for FREE at https://app.podcraftr.com

Exclusively for the Product Hunt community, we're offering:

  • 10 minutes of FREE production just for signing up
  • Use code "PH50" for 50% off your first month of any premium plan (Code valid for one week from launch)

Thanks for supporting us, and we can't wait to hear your feedback.@devindsgbyq Thanks Devin! We currently partner with ElevenLabs for our voice cloning features, so they are extremely lifelike even at a small sample size. We intend to offer Professional Voice cloning in the future as well.@michaelshoup hey this looks great! Does it work for multiple voices in 1 doc/podcast?@michaelshoup @graeme_fulton right now, it's one voice per podcast, but multiple voices per podcast is on our roadmap! :)Congrats on the launch @michaelshoup

I am looking forward to testing it.

Quick question: I have seen similar products launched in the same space, what sets this one apart? Just curious.@harkirat_singh3777 Thanks Harkirat! We’re a bit more niched specifically towards podcasts than other “text-to-content” players in the space, and are focused primarily on opening up a new Distribution and Monetization strategy for text content you already have.

It’s great to have whole studios of text to audio tools, but we aim to be the set-it-and-forget-it solution to publish your instant daily podcast.This is great, I don't how podcasts still keep growing but I love them so I can't complain. Also, it's great monetization is built in from day one.@userinsite As long as people have time to listen, podcasts will keep growing :)Congrats on the launch @michaelshoup , I’m looking forward to using Podcraftr more as I relaunch my audio newsletter.@plgeek Love seeing you here, Ben! Thanks for the support, and we'd love to help you relaunch your audio newsletter with such a dulcet voice!

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