

Highlight the key moments of your life


Important life updates get lost in the crowd of social media platforms. milestones lets you create a portfolio to share what truly matters to you. You can add your own milestones or embed posts from different social media platforms.👋 Hey there. I’m Utku Sen, founder of milestones

My main expertise is in cybersecurity and I’m working full-time in this field. However, I also love to develop useful things.

🤔 The Problem

I created milestones because I often encounter a specific problem. I have a very active life with various hobbies like music. I love developing open-source tools, occasionally give conference talks about cybersecurity, and sometimes move between different countries.

Of course, I share my journey on my social media accounts, and people know about it. However, when I meet someone new, they have no way of knowing my story. I'm tired of questions like, "I didn't know you lived in Berlin for 3 years" or "I didn't know you released a music album." When a new person looks at my social media account, they only see daily posts, and big events get lost among them.

I always wished I had a journal-like portfolio containing only the important events of my life to share with others.

A friend of mine told me that this is a common problem for startups as well. They share a lot of marketing material on their social media accounts. Because of that, he doesn't want to follow them. However, he then misses important events, such as when the startup receives investment from somewhere.

I wish there was a platform that contained only the important things and nothing else...

⛰️The Solution

I created milestones all by myself from scratch to address this problem. Now, people can create portfolios featuring the important events of their lives. They can add their Milestones profile link to their bio. Content creators can embed important posts from other platforms like Instagram, X, LinkedIn, TikTok, Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube, and Twitch into their Milestones profile. This way, everything that matters stays on a single page.

People can subscribe to each other to get notified about important events. This way, you won’t miss any important updates without dealing with the mess of social media platforms.

I'd love to hear what you think. 🙏Doesn't this look like what a linktree would do? I think my question is how is this different from having a link in bio page?@illohifeoma Linktree contains links of the other platforms. In milestones, you can write significant life events as you would in a tweet, such as getting married, moving to another city, or getting promoted. It’s basically a life journal. Linktree doesn’t have that feature.Smart idea! My question is, how do milestones add content from other platforms? Is it done manually, by pasting embed codes, or is there an automated method? Thanks!@derek_liu_dev thank you. people can add content manually or they can write it themselves (like tweeting something)I love the idea behind this and hope it helps people celebrate their wins that often go unnoticed. Congratulations on the launch!

