Matcha: Pods

Matcha: Pods

Tech for small groups that make big impact


Create and manage any small group in a fast, fun way - with Pods.

Matcha's integrated tech makes it easy to set up, schedule, message async, and meet LIVE! with the people you want to meet with.

First pod's free > Unlock unlimited pods with Matcha Pro.šŸ‘‹ Hi, Iā€™m Melissa. Ex-Google, 17 year marketer, and 4x Startup Founder.

You might have heard of Matcha ( as a tech platform that enables 1:1 matching programs for any community or group. [If you haven't heard of us, I'm not offended šŸ˜†]

TODAY, My awesome team released our first product for individuals (like YOU!) that makes it easy and FUN to create small, invite-only, recurring group meetings - without all the juggling and struggling.

Introducing: Matcha PODS

šŸ‘„ Gather your favorite peers for a monthly check-in to unlock, inspire, and vent šŸ’” Set up biweekly customer feedback sessions for your new product šŸ“– Create a digital book club without juggling calendars and video platforms šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽ“ Gather with fellow students from a course you took, to keep up your learning šŸŽÆ Assemble a few folks working on a shared goal, to stay accountable with quarterly checkins

It's silly easy and the first pod is free for everyone. šŸ†“

  • Pick a focus for your pod.
  • Invite up to 5 other people.
  • Set a timeline and cadence that works for your group.
  • Use Matcha's integrated scheduling, async messaging, and live video chat
  • Give high fives all around

Learn more and get started at:

Want more? Follow along on LinkedIn: YouTube: ...and here on Product Hunt.@a_zelenkov Thank you - would love to hear more from you when you try it out!Hey, so can we interact with new people as well or only with the people we know? Congratulations on the launch! Love the UI : )@yashaswini_ippili Right now - it's a tool to invite those you know into small groups - developing your network rather than building it (which you probably do on LI and events and such)... I'm sure "discovery" will come soon. ;)Love the way this allows like-minded people to meet remotely and keep each other accountable to a specific topic! šŸš€ congrats on the launch!@_emily_daykin Or people of different minds to gather and uplevel each other! Thanks for the kind words, EmilyCongrats on the launch Melissa! So, how would this work next to your Whatsapp group? And what does a Pod has that I can't manage within my Whatsapp group? It looks exciting!@twoheads WhatsApp groups are super useful for rapid, ongoing communication but they're not:

  • easy to focus on a given goal/outcome (everything you need in one place)
  • timebound (I don't want a "forever" group for everything)
  • secure (I'm always surprised at the things shared in such big, open chat groups)

Keep that Whatsapp group going for rapid communication but use a Pod if:

  • You have a tangible reason/outcome to meet with a few folks in a focused way (e.g. accountability work)
  • You want to keep a group small and focused (e.g. everyone participates)
  • Your discussion is timebound (e.g. Let's just meet 4 times, once a month)

They're not a 1:1 replacement - but the group scheduling and integrated video chats make it a real different experience as well!

