hire learnmutiny.io

hire learnmutiny.io

it's like Tinder for startups 🔥

⭐️ TL:DR: learnmutiny.io is a lightweight recruitment tool for Chief of Staff founders to find high caliber talent as quickly as possible👋 ProductHunt Community

Zion from learnmutiny.io here.

If you haven't had the chance to talk with me yet, I'll take a second to introduce myself. I'm a ex-VC turned Recruiter 🤩

Powered by Node.js and Discord, you can now chat about open jobs with verified profiles.

All profiles on learnmutiny are either 😄 approved or 🫤 rejected based on our server requirements. Ensuring quality for both job seekers and founders looking to hire.


When you enter the server, mu (the Discord Application) will ask for your LinkedIn profile, once you send it my team manually reviews your profile to ensure you meet our server requirements.

Our current requirements are as follows:

  • Consecutive experiences at the follow companies:
  • Paypal
  • Spotify
  • Apple
  • Google
  • Amazon
  • Microsoft
  • Tesla
  • Meta
  • Series A (or higher) startup

Once you are approved you then get access to our approved chat where you can chat directly with startup founders who are actively looking to hire.


As a founder, when you enter into the server, mu will ask for relevant information about your startup company, after your information is verified you gain access to all of our talent via 3 different channels:

  • Approved Chat
  • Job Post Chat
  • Talent Search

Our current requirements for founders are as follows:

  • Series A (or higher) funding round

NOTE We assume all founders are truthful about their companies, with that being said we can and will remove any startup founder that has lied about their company information.

https://www.learnmutiny.io/stats https://discord.gg/learnmutiny Ask your Questions! ↙️@zionmelson Hi Zion, congrats on the launch! Very cool idea, I like this! I also like how selective it is, potentially some of the previous attempts at this that I've seen fail because there was no review and it was a free-for-all!

Wish you the best!@mogabr Thanks Gabe 🤘🏽Zion, congratulations on your launch ! it is much harder than people think to have an idea and turn it into a actual product. Drawing the line with your MVP is also harder than most understand!. With that said, making hiring mistakes when you are building your team can be very costly if you make bad hires. I think you will help solve that problem in spades! question: Have you considered a separate category (no series A) for promising startups with founders that have a solid track record. Many developers want to get in early:-)@ericmb Are you referring to before Seed and Pre-Seed founders?@ericmb all founders are welcome to join. The Series A requirement is just for approved founders.Congrats on the launch Zion! It sounds super interesting. All the best man!@german_merlo1 Thanks Germán!This is an interesting concept, Zion! How do you ensure the vetting process for profiles to maintain quality? Is there any particular KPI you're tracking to measure success for both job seekers and founders? Would love to know more about that!@elke_qin Yep, we have a list inside the server of everyone that has been approved and their relevant information.@elke_qin Check out our stats page https://www.learnmutiny.io/stats

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