◯˚GitStart AI Ticket Studio

◯˚GitStart AI Ticket Studio

AI to write engineering-ready tickets

Write engineering-ready tickets with ease. Ticket Studio’s AI understands your codebase and gathers requirements to create well-scoped tickets within minutes. Avoid missed details, errors in scope, and endless developer back-and-forth!👋 Hi Product Hunt, I’m Hamza from GitStart.

GitStart is a ticket-to-PR platform that helps engineering teams ship more of their roadmap without hiring in-house. We’re thrilled to introduce our AI Ticket Studio — a new way to write and iterate on tickets for your engineering team.

✨ Turn fuzzy ideas into beautifully scoped tickets within minutes ✨

🪄 Key benefits:

  • Clear, context-rich tickets with the right technical details and scope that engineers love
  • Fast and stress-free ticket writing
  • More time writing code, less time spent back-and-forth clarifying requirements

⚡Here’s how it works: ⚙️ Ticket Studio learns from your codebase: it indexes your codebase to ask the right clarifying questions. 💬 Create & Edit Tickets by AI Chat: Eliminate the ‘fear of the blank page’ - our AI interacts with you to gather requirements, transforming vague ideas into actionable tickets. 🔁 Integration with Jira/Linear: Seamless ticket management and synchronization for a cohesive workflow! ✍️ Request Feedback on Existing Tickets: Import your ticket backlog, and let our AI play detective 🕵️ zooming in and providing feedback on missing info and overlooked edge cases. ⚒️ Handoff to engineering: Assign to your engineering team…or to ◯˚GitStart, and get back a PR

We first built this to solve a pain we’re experiencing in our business: clients provided incomplete tickets, and developers lost time spent clarifying instead of writing code. With people in different time zones, delays piled up and delivery slowed down to a crawl. We later realized many product and engineering teams had the same problem, so we’re sharing this product to help anyone write better tickets and ship faster 🔥

🚀 Sign up at gitstart.com 🚀Worth mentioning this new product incorporates 6 months of user feedback on an MVP version of it!

We completely revamped the infrastructure based on it faster and to make questions smarter 🤓Congrats on launching! 🚀 Who is the primary user for this? Business people that has limited tech background and run an offshore team, or CTOs with internal teams? or Product leads with some tech insight that run hybrid teams? Or someone else? And is the primary use case for managing backlogs or figuring out scope to add new features?@sentry_co thanks for the support! Our primary users are engineering managers/CTOs and product managers, but we've also seen marketing teams use it, with tickets getting picked up by engineering much faster because for the first time they were well scoped.@richardguerre Scoping is definitely an art, and something even very experienced devs can get wrong. So even having a suggestion on scope could be very helpful. Ill definitly give it a spin!Great tool to reduce friction by making it easier to scope!

And as part is this also better time management I presume?

Congrats on the launch 🚀@casper_brix, thanks! It does save time when the tickets are well scoped and engineering doesn't have to come back later on with questions. Let us know if you want a demo of it.

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