

User onboarding for modern SaaS


Introducing Flows: the next-gen tool for creating flexible, powerful, and reliable onboarding flows and product tours. Get started quickly, customize endlessly, and enjoy beautiful, seamless experiences.Hey everyone 👋 I'm thrilled to announce Flows – user onboarding for modern SaaS.

We decided to build Flows after exploring all the top players like Appcues, Intercom, Usetiful, and IntroJS. They all left us wanting more.

With Flows, we're revolutionizing the SaaS world to make software easy to use and learn. Every day, millions sign up for SaaS products, and we're dedicated to helping them reach value faster. Our principles for building Flows are:

  • Speed: Flows should be easy to create and deploy. There shouldn't be any dead time before an onboarding flow shows up to the user after a page loads.
  • Flexibility: There shouldn't be any limits to what you can do with Flows. You should be able to create any experience you can imagine.
  • Reliability: Flows should work every time. They should be robust and resilient to any changes in the underlying product.
  • Design: Flows should have superior UX with beautiful UI. They should be a pleasure to create and a joy to experience.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on Flows and answer any questions! 🙌@opesicka Hi. Congratulations.

Can you tell us more about the process of creating and deploying onboarding with Flows?

How does Flows cope with integration into various SaaS products and platforms?@mksaint13 Thank you!

You should be able to install flows into any JS based product if you have access to the codebase or can at least add scripts into the tag.

The process is fairly straightforward:

  1. Signup and create your organization and project
  2. Install our SDK or load the script from a CDN
  3. Set the domains you will be using
  4. Create a flow in our editor
  5. Publish it to your users 🎉

We have a getting started guide that should get you up and running quickly. https://app.flows.sh/getting-sta...Good stuff, it looks promising. It still lacks efficiency in setting up the flows, without live selecting. Price looks right. Potential is there, hence supported. Looking for an alternative to Intercom, so I'll evaluate it more id depth with team in the next fea days.@fabiosalvadori Thank you for the support! I may be biased but I'd say Flows can be a good alternative to Intercom. Let us know if you need any help when setting up.Fortuitous! We were just shopping around for a platform like this. What analytics platforms do you integrate with? How customisable are the tooltips?@jn_norris That's a great coincidence 😄

In theory, we can integrate with any analytics platform. When implementing our SDK, you can pass a tracking function from a platform of your choosing, and we'll be sending events there. Check our docs for more info https://flows.sh/docs/analytics/...

Our tooltips are really flexible, we even support HTML so you can put anything in them.

We also have fully customizable CSS styles 🎨Big congrats to the Flows team! Looks like you've done a really great job, guys

And how does Flows handle updates to the underlying product? Is there a way to ensure the onboarding flows stay accurate and effective?@kszhebrovskaya Thank you for the kind words! As of now we are in the same boat as every other tool -> you need to keep an eye out on breaking changes in your product and test that the onboarding flows work.

With that said we know this is a big problem and want to tackle it in the future.

