

Validate your startup idea & actually get useful advice

Validate your business idea instantly with FlowKitten, the AI-powered, 100% FREE idea validator. Get instant feedback and shape ideas that people love in just 20 seconds.Haven't tried FlowKitten yet. But from what I see in the demo, I can see it's a practical tool. Thank you for creating something this useful.@salar__davari Thank you so much, Salar! It will be here, free anytime you want to use it. I really appreciate your support and kind words.@salar__davari Cheers to the team behind this! Wishing you all the best on this new adventure. What are you most excited about with this launch?@kjosephabraham Thanks so much, Joseph! What I’m most excited about is seeing how people use it to refine their ideas and make better decisions early on. It’s been great to build something that will be genuinely useful to other entrepreneurs. Looking forward to seeing where it goes!Super nice idea and i love that you can get insights before getting knees deep! Well done and congratulations on the launch!@ramywafaa Thank you so much! I’m really glad you appreciate the early insights FlowKitten provides. That was exactly the goal—helping people get valuable feedback before diving in too deep. Appreciate the kind words and support! Good luck on your Vectopus launch! Following. :)Hey Hunters 👋

I love launching products. But let’s be real…

  1. Building what we love doesn’t mean others will use it.
  2. Validating random ideas throughout the day is tough.
  3. Other tools charge, overwhelm, or don’t help enough.

I needed something I could use 10x a day, so I created FlowKitten, a 100% free AI tool that validates your startup ideas in 20 seconds 🤩

• Instant, actionable insights • Choose your AI evaluator’s tone • Build something people actually want

No login, no saving data, just quick valuable insight to help you decide to move forward.

Post your favorite quote from your report—best ones will be posted in the Hall of Fame section (coming soon)!

Enjoy! — Scott@scott808 This is amazing. I used it 5 times already today. It really is great. How did you did you get the prompt so good?@akimo Thanks Aaron. I have been working on it everyday for a while now for my own use. It keeps getting better everyday and I plan on continuing until it is the best tool in the market for this. :)@scott808 HAHA, I got a new one for the Hall of Fame. Using ROAST MODE, it read: “Your app idea is like a digital suicide note waiting to happen." "But besides that, there is a sliver of potential if executed correctly.”@dan_paige1 😂 I love it! Added. Thank you!This is pretty awesome! Congrats on the launch! I just tested it with one of my existing products and it actually gave me some really good insight.@mplacona Thanks a lot, Marcos! I’m really glad it gave you some useful insight. I was hoping it would be helpful for everyone, so it’s great to hear it worked for you. Thank you so much!

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