

An AI powered goal management app


Elisi is a user-friendly, cross-device All-in-one Planner to help you improve personal productivity. Our AI scans tasks, pinpoints fears, and offers tailored strategies to help you overcome them, boost confidence, and achieve your goals.Hello, Product Hunters!

I'm Ema from the Elisi team. 👋

We all know how challenging it can be to stay focused and beat procrastination. That’s why we built Elisi!

Elisi is your personal AI coach, designed to help you overcome procrastination with smart, science-backed techniques. Here’s what Elisi offers:

🎯 Personalized Support: Tailored therapy sessions that understand and address your habits.

🚀 Real-Time Feedback: Get instant tips and motivation to keep you on track.

📈 Progress Tracking: Watch your small wins add up with detailed progress reports.

🧘‍♂️ Mindfulness on the Go:Manage stress and stay focused with easy-to-follow mindfulness exercises.

📝 Actionable Steps: Break big tasks into manageable pieces, so you never feel overwhelmed.

🤖 Smart Learning: Elisi adapts to what works best for you the more you use it.

🎉 Fun Challenges: Keep your journey engaging with interactive exercises and challenges.

🌐 Community Support: Connect with others, share tips, and celebrate successes together.

🧠 Science-Backed: Everything is rooted in proven psychological methods to ensure effectiveness.

Elisi isn’t just an app it’s a game-changer in your fight against procrastination. Ready to take control of your goals?

Join us on (https://elisiapp.com) and start your journey today!

Catch you on the flip side! 🚀@devindsgbyq Thank you for the kind words! We're glad you appreciate Elisi's focus on personalized support and real-time feedback. Elisi personalizes the experience by analyzing users' habits, task completion patterns, and goals. It uses AI to provide tailored recommendations and reminders, adapting to each user's unique needs and challenges. This way, it can help users stay motivated and on track by offering relevant insights and support. We're excited for you to try it out and see how Elisi can help you tackle procrastination and achieve your goals!This looks great! exactly what I needed to crush Q4! Does it integrate with Apple Watch?

Congrats team 🚀🚀🚀@alexdigitalmkt Absolutely! This tool is a game-changer for Q4 success. And we are working on integrate seamlessly with Apple Watch for added convenience. Congrats on the launch! 🎉🚀Congrats on the launch!

Does it come in a phone app?

And is it able to automatically filter the different tasks into e.g. finance, project, etc?@casper_brix Yes, Elisi is available as a phone app, also support web access, so you can easily manage your tasks and goals on the go. It’s designed to be convenient and accessible, allowing you to keep track of everything right from your mobile device.

Elisi also has features to help you organize tasks efficiently. You can categorize tasks into different projects or areas such as finance, work, personal, etc. While Elisi doesn’t automatically filter tasks into these categories by default, you can create custom labels and organize your tasks accordingly. This way, you have the flexibility to set up your task management system that best suits your needs.

Elisi aims to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience, helping you stay organized and focused!Congratulations on your launch, team Elisi!

My to-do list currently has 4,561 tasks, and my inbox has 3,978 emails. Would Elisi be able to help me with this?

Also, how is data security ensured?@bonvisions Wow, that's quite a workload! Elisi is designed to help manage and prioritize tasks efficiently, no matter how many you have. It can help you organize your to-do list, set priorities, and break tasks down into manageable steps. Elisi’s intuitive interface and real-time syncing make it easier to stay on top of both tasks and emails, helping you clear out the backlog over time.

Regarding data security, Elisi takes user privacy and data protection very seriously. All data is encrypted during transmission and storage, ensuring that your information is safe and secure. Additionally, we have robust security protocols in place to protect against unauthorized access. You can use Elisi with confidence, knowing that your data is well-protected.

We're here to help you get organized and regain control over your tasks!

