

Your email hack for better productivity

Dobror is a minimalist email client that helps you focus on what really matters. Own your attention and use dobror to avoid being attacked by marketing - connect all your email accounts together in a single client.Tired of so many ads and poppy colors taking over my emails, I decided to find a solution. Using AI to classify my Inboxes and letting emails be archived where I don't have to pay attention to saved me a ton of time. So I went forward and not only build an AI generated split inbox but also:

  • Emails in Grayscale by default (no more marketing poppy colors taking my attention)
  • Side-by-Side email reply
  • Unified email client
  • Snooze/mark email as done
  • Have an email client focused in inbox zero
  • Create as many inboxes as you wish

It's been amazingly helpful for me. What are you looking for that dobror could add to help your pr@luiz_santana don't let emails steal your productivity!@a_zelenkov great idea! We do have some plans to of course adding even more. any particular filter you'd like?@luiz_santana Congratulations for your great product. I loved the whole idea. I liked the unified calendar. I'm sure your product will help us saving time, focusing in what is important with organization.@jason_silvestre thank you so much!@a_zelenkov Thanks! any particular filter you'd like better?Honestly, AI renaming my emails by given the content is already helpful enough. Does it categorize for me too? I also like how you have an option for a life time purchase - I've seen this a lot more recently.

Congrats @luiz_santana and team on launching this product!@tonyhanded Thanks for the support! 🤩Hey @luiz_santana I really like the dark design. I'm currently on Apple Mail and there are so many things missing. So I think there is a chance to get people to change their mail client.

I'm curious about the name, how did you come up with it?

Congrats on the launch 🚀@crebuh Thank you! That is the goal. Completeness, making it less distracting and focusing in productivity

The name is just short, simple and a derived from "good" from some slavic languages :)@chethan_bm thanksLove the grayscale! Too good, helps me stay focused, Congratulations on your launch! I'm on gmail right now. Wish there was Android support...@yashaswini_ippili Thanks! we are building the mobile clients and of course for Android as well.

We also want to bring a nice twist to change email, not only another email client

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