Dashboards As Code

Dashboards As Code

Build dashboards with ease of canvas & power of code


Build your Dashboards with the flexibility of a canvas. Use code to create and maintain them, leveraging version control, reusability, and more.Hello! Maker here đź‘‹

After intense positive responses from customers, we’re launching our Dashboards As Code on Product Hunt 🧨!

Dashboards aren’t dead. They just haven’t been done right.

If you’ve been in the data world long enough, it’s almost suspicious if you don’t hear “dashboards are dead” every three months. Ask ten data analysts, and you’ll likely hear a consensus: Dashboards are bad. They lack a lot of business context, rarely used, and often left to collect virtual cobwebs after fulfilling that one ad-hoc data request. They’re the data equivalent of home treadmills—we expect transformation, but they end up neglected.

Traditional dashboards do one thing well: display charts and numbers. But when we demand more—business context, storytelling, sense-making—they crumble. So, we declare “dashboards are dead.”

We believe that dashboards aren’t dead (nor will they ever be), they just haven’t been done right.

Introducing Dashboards As Code, to give analysts the freedom to design dashboards in a flexible, scalable way that provides the right presentation to the business stakeholders.

👉 Have complete control over the design and content of your dashboards with pixel-perfect design and customized themes

👉 Define dashboards using code. Govern them with Git version control.

👉 Treat dashboards as programmable objects, build reusable components and templates so you never have to build things from scratch again.

Our team has been around the clock on this in the past few months, and I hope you can help me give them the recognition they deserve:

a) Check out our playground: https://playground.holistics.io/... b) Give us a thumbs up on Product Hunt c) Tell us what you think about this 👇Love the flexibility of a canvas, infinite use cases, and certainly an amazing tool for product teams!!@sangbaodo Thanks, Sang. Feel free to try it out here https://playground.holistics.io/...Congratulations on the launch! This product seems extremely versatile and flexible to use! Looking forward to try it out.I tried Holistics a while back and planned to check them out again in my next gig. Their programming-inspired, as-code approach is really refreshing in the BI tool landscape where most vendors repeat the same things over and over again.

The development experience was great because I could use a static-typed markup language instead of messy YAML to build dashboards. Writing code lets me treat dashboards as programmable objects, so I can create reusable functions/variables, and easily produce widgets by passing those variables. And coding just gave me way more design options.

Excited they're launching here and can't wait to see what they build next.

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