Coldreach (YC W23)

Coldreach (YC W23)

Find ready-to-buy leads + sound relevant with AI


Find who need your product right now, by spotting buying signals hidden in job posts, news, LinkedIn, and other public sources with AI, and suggests relevant messaging to stand out.

Start booking 3x meetings without adding SDRs.Hey PH community 👋!

We're pumped to launch Coldreach today - AI for finding leads that need your product right now. 🚀

We've helped 40+ sales teams book more and better meetings with decision makers from Fortune 500 to early-stage startups.

📖 Story behind the scenes 📖

@hankelbao and I founded 2x startups together, 3 pivots. I led sales in both startups and spent 1000+ hours on cold outbound - emails, LinkedIn, and cold calling - I've done it all. Till today, we still book 70% of sales meetings via outbound channels, with the help of our own tools (duh).

Our previous idea was to build an AI SDR, for writing personalized cold emails at scale. To our surprise, we didn't see a big difference in performance of AI-personalized emails and a templated one: Open rate was higher, but our customers weren't booking a lot more sales meetings.

Eventually we found the problem - Our users created lead lists with Apollo / ZoomInfo, based on filters like industry, size, and titles. Since no product can help everyone, 80-95% of people in the target list simply don't need their product at the time of outreach.

Even with a perfect email, you can't sell a product to someone who doesn't need it. The realization led to the creation of Coldreach - AI for finding people who need you.

🤔 How does it work?

Public information about a company, like job descriptions, positions hired, news, 10k reports, tell A LOT about their internal priorities and problems they face.

We use AI to analyze them at scale, to find signals on who needs your help.

✅ Step 1: Tell us about your product - What problem it solves and who it is for

✅ Step 2: We suggest buying signals that indicate a need for your product

Example signals

  1. CRM integration product: Find who's hiring engineers, where the job description mentions building CRM integrations / experience with Salesforce API
  2. Corporate Travel Planning: Find who hired 5+ positions that require frequent travels recently.

✅ Step 3: AI scans your ICP market, generates a target leads list, ranked by strength of the buying signals 📶

✅ Step 4: AI highlights evidence for why they are ready to buy, and suggests the right messaging to scale relevant outreach + book 3x meetings

We're looking forward to helping more sales teams crush quotas, and learn from your feedback to make Coldreach better!@hankelbao @shen_xh Cheers to the launch! Wishing you great success and new milestones. How long did it take to develop this?@kjosephabraham Thanks Joseph! The initial MVP took ~2 weeks to build, but we have spent months to refine it based on customer feedbacks.@max_savonin1 Great questions Max!

  1. Data sources: job openings, hiring history, recent hires, news articles, 10-K filings, public announcements, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and a few custom data sources
  2. Prioritization: We allow you to assign weight to each buying signal, and leads are ranked by the total number of signals matched * signal weight
  3. Yes, we integrate with most CRM + sales engagement platforms.

We're not looking for additional developers atm, but feel free to drop me a note at and happy to stay in touch!Congrats! Great product and I'm sure there're lots of needs for it. Looking forward to try out the product and see how those signals can be capture by nature language instead of filters :D@kellyann3644 Thanks for the appreciation, Kelly! Can’t wait to show you how natural language nails filters when defining accurate ICPs.Congrats on the launch seems like an essential marketing tool and I'd love to try it out. Does it support B2C product as well?@danielwchen Thanks Daniel! We primarily work with B2B products now, but feel free to tell us a bit more about your product/buying signals in the signup form and I’ll see if we can help!Awesome. Great product. Question: How do you manage the data privacy issues? I am assuming you scrap a huge amount of data, unless I am wrong.@krazygaurav93 Great question Gaurav - We do scrape a huge amount of data, but only what's publicly available, such as job openings, news announcements, company websites, so there isn't a privacy issue.

Counterintuitively, just from analyzing the public activities you can often tell a lot about a company's priorities and what problems they face. We help our customers book more meetings without digging up any shady, private data.

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