

A store locator map for your brand


Closeby is to store locators what Stripe is to payments - an easy way to get the UX right for your customers without the engineering hassle of getting a million little invisible things right. Configure, design & publish a store locator for free.Hi PH community!

We built v1.0 of Closeby almost 8 years ago to solve a problem for a family member’s Squarespace site.

They wanted a store locator for their website, but the options available were pretty basic and came with a lot of UX issues.

So we did what design-UX nerds do best: get obsessed with the problem and iterate continuously on our (now 15k+) customers’ feedback.

Today, Closeby makes a bunch of little things about the store locator experience great. Things like…

  • Does the map theme (colors, textures, layers, map pins) match my site UI & brand?
  • Is the map interaction and scrolling experience easy? What about on mobile?
  • How do I load a map and a bunch of locations without affecting my page’s load time?
  • How can I add/remove/edit my locations easily?
  • How do I make my visitors’ experiences frictionless for things like…
    • Getting directions to locations
    • Customizing a location’s call to action
    • Serving visitors the sites nearest them (…without invading their privacy)
  • Can I solve all of these UX challenges for my site visitors without becoming a mapping engineer?

Closeby is our proposed solution to all of those problems (and a few others as well 🙂).

I’d love for you to check it out if you need a store locator. It’s free for up to 5 locations, so you can test it out and make sure it fits your use case without having to put in a credit card.@closeby_brian how does it handle scaling for larger businesses with hundreds of locations? are there features to help manage and organize multiple stores efficiently?@dash4u hi! We have businesses with 50k+ locations - and location management at scale is pretty simple, you can do so in bulk via a CSV or Google Sheet.@closeby_brian great work and congrats on 2.0! I hope even more of the merchants I shop with will use Closeby so it will be easier for me to find their locations.@myobie thank you!Does it also helps with building quality backlinks? :) I like the idea behind it to help SMB to be more visible and available. :) Good luck with the launch.@busmark_w_nika thank you! It does - each location can have its own backlinks.Congrats on the launch @closeby_brian What platforms do you support? Can I install this on a client's hand coded website?

Excited and so many questions!

Is there a demo embed you can show off?@kensavage thanks! We support any website platform and are embedded on native mobile apps too... and for Shopify, Wix, and Webflow users, we've got an app extension you can find on their marketplaces.

Demo embed - yes! Check out on the bottom-right of the page.Really interesting concept, @closeby_brian! I'm curious about a few things: how does Closeby handle the need for scalability when a business grows beyond the initial 5 locations? Also, what kind of feedback have you received on the mobile experience—are there any specific challenges users commonly face? Lastly, are there any plans to integrate with popular e-commerce platforms for smoother setups? Can't wait to see how this evolves!@charles_ thanks!

Past 5 locations, most of our customers use a CSV or Google Sheet to manage locations in bulk.

Mobile experience - it's pretty good. The key challenge of course is the ability to scroll a map AND your page with a finger, and we have a few settings that help a user optimize that experience for their customer base.

E-comm platforms - yes! We've got an app integration with Shopify and Wix, so customers can install us directly that way as well.

