

Curated collection of A/B test results

abtest.design is a curated collection of A/B test results from best-in-class apps, powered by Mobbin. It's a growing library of over 50 test results from apps like Headspace, Uber, Blinkist, and Duolingo.Hey Product Hunt!

I’m Jiho, co-founder and CEO at Mobbin.

Today, we’re super excited to launch abtest.design, a curated collection of A/B test results from best-in-class apps.

“Why did the app adopt this design pattern? Does it perform better?”

These are questions many of us, myself included, ask when browsing for references on Mobbin. abtest.design is our first step towards answering these questions, providing the WHY behind popular design patterns used by industry-leading apps.

There are lots of high-quality, publicly available A/B test case studies scattered across the web, but finding them can sometimes feel like a task of its own. Our goal with abtest.design is to consolidate these case studies in one place, making them easily accessible. We currently have a growing library of over 50 test results from industry-leading apps like Headspace, Uber, Blinkist and Duolingo.

We hope to help designers and product teams to make informed design decisions that positively impact growth metrics, such as trial signups, checkout conversions, and user engagement.

Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Jiho@jiholim just by having first look I thought this is similar as mobbin, been using it for a longer time now. Then just to find out it is the same team behind. I really loved Mobbin will give this one a try too, sharing it with other product folks as wellGG @jiholim and team, been using Mobbin for a year and it has fast-tracked my research flow. Not this gives me ideas to experiment with which are proven in a way. A step beyond just displaying the UI. Kudos on the launch! 🙌@akigugale certainly - thank you Akshay!Long time user of Mobbin. The value you bring is unmatched. Awesome idea with the A/B testing part! Keep it up @jiholim!@james_oanta thank you James!I absolutely love this idea. It'll be hard to scale I think, as a lot of current work will be under NDA. @jiholim How do you expect the design community to contribute? And why didn't you merge this into Mobbin, where lots of us are already paid subscribers, adding more value to the product?@davidavid Great question, David! We are accepting test submission, and so far surprisingly, a number of submissions (with decent) has been made. We will see if we can scale the content using this approach first :)@jiholim so word of mouth basically? As long as the product is good and delivers value (like Mobbin) that should work quite well. Thanks for your answer, curious to see how it evolves!

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