Voice-enabled learning simulations for learning and training

VELS is an AI voice-based learning and training simulations for mastering professional skills. Practice interviews, pitches, and presentations in a safe, personalized environment. Get real-time feedback, tailor scenarios, and boost your confidenceHi Product Hunt community! I'm Ali Aldubaisi, Co-Founder/CEO at Kaiden AI. We're thrilled to introduce VELS, our AI-powered Voice-Enabled simulation platform.

We created VELS because we believe everyone deserves the chance to practice and perfect their professional communication skills without the pressure of real-world consequences. Whether you're prepping for a job interview, refining your sales pitch, or gearing up for an investor meeting, VELS provides a safe, personalized environment to hone your skills.

Our team comes from diverse backgrounds in AI, education, and professional development. We've poured our expertise and passion into creating a tool that we believe will truly empower professionals at all stages of their careers. We'd love for you to try VELS and share your thoughts. Your feedback will be invaluable as we continue to improve and expand our platform.

Thank you for checking out VELS. We're excited to be part of the Product Hunt community and can't wait to hear what you think!@andreea_staicu thank you!@alialdubaisi VELS is an excellent platform for honing professional skills through AI-driven simulations and real-time feedback!@alialdubaisi this is lovely, I think customer support and educations would be two great enablers for you. Try if you can tap into enterprises doing a lot of customer support to integrate this as a part of their training regime. Cost savings and speed. All the best@prad_vv Thanks for the great insight, Pradhumn! You're spot on about customer support and education. We're actually in talks with a few companies to bring VELS into their support team training. The cost and time savings could be huge. On the education/training front, we're running some cool pilots with law enforcement for training scenarios. It's exciting stuff! We're always looking to expand, so your ideas are right up our alley. Really appreciate the support and feedback. Keep an eye out for what's coming next!Hi Ali, VELS sounds like an incredible tool for anyone looking to improve their professional communication skills. The real-time feedback feature is especially intriguing. How customizable are the scenarios in VELS?@web3_antivirus Great question, Alex! VELS offers highly customizable scenarios. Users can tailor aspects like industry context, difficulty level, and specific conversation goals. We'd love to hear what customization options would be most valuable to you!Excellent product and impressive demo video! Have you thought about adding a community feature where users can exchange experiences or share tips? Congrats for the launch and good luck with VELS!@mitia Great suggestion, Mitia! We're actually exploring ways to build community features. Your idea about sharing tips is spot on. Stay tuned for updates!Love the idea of VELS solving the problem of practicing professional communication skills. Congrats on the launch. Good luck!@michaelturner Thanks, Michael!

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